Wednesday, April 30, 2008 Y 9:43 PM

Very busy, but mostly self-imposed cause I'm totally enjoying life. hahaha! I had to catch up with plenty of work and there's quite a fair bit of stuff to settle for harmoc. Went to guitar concert last saturday and saw shaboom's friend there. Unmac! :D Didn't notice unmac was perfoming till eunice nudged me and tell me to look at a 'very black' man. Yup! unmac's really dark. ^^And at guitar concert, I finally found my idol. Mr Chris Ho!!!! *cat-calls*. Slightly gay-ish but nevermind. He's cool!! Love his V-neck disco style and he's got nice complexion. Haha! GO go Chris Ho!!

Met up with the girls and I learnt how to FLOAT off from the seat subtly.... C: Had a wonderful time *smiles*. Then went to meet mama at the Civil Servant Club @ bukit batok. It's not bad on a tranquil monday evening. Well, the toilet's nice.

harmoc dinner

esperanza--spanish for hope. spot unmac :)
he's in the third row

Frankie in boots. Guitar's conductor has got character. :)

island getaway~ i swear i was making a lot a lot of funny faces. but the cam caught the pic at that instant when i was NOT doing anything. WOW!

I went swimming at CSC@bb and there are HAIR DRIERS in the toilets. lovely.

Saw batman while I was on my way to dinner...

Don't really understand the true meaning of this quote. Maybe simply because it's got too many meanings.
.: Home is where you hang your Heart:.

Read this novel PopCo, by Scarlett Thomas. Pretty insightful :)

A bit beyond perception's reach
I sometimes believe I see
that life is two locked boxes, each
containing the other's key.
Piet Hein

Get well soon Ms Ng. We pray for you.

Thursday, April 24, 2008 Y 7:17 PM

Was slacking at home and watched this movie Miss Gold Digger on crunchy. haha! turned out nicer than expected. not bad ^^

the female lead turned out very much prettier. hahaha

Sunday, April 20, 2008 Y 7:17 PM

Yup. K songs. Not Kbox, but korean OST (original soundtracks) from the kdramas I watched. I've been listening to them for almost this whole week. They're nice! :) Well, most probably it is because I can't really register what they are singing so I can muliti-task and hear the songs while I do mundane work. I need the dose especially to help me pull through those TIME assignments.

read read highlight highlight highlight cut cut cut paste paste copy copy copy COPY read read highlight highlight highlight cut cut cut paste paste copy copy copy COPY read read highlight highlight highlight cut cut cut paste paste copy copy copy COPY read read highlight highlight highlight cut cut cut paste paste copy copy copy COPY.

The "cut cut paste paste copy copy" phase can be quite a test for my patience. xD

PJ-the-treasurer, who collected the notes from the monopoly photocopying shop, stuffed the 'trash' (used to separate different classes' stackof notes from each other) into my pencil box. I was about to crush it, but some funny impulse made me read it.
Hum...don't YOU find it familiar my girl =D hahaha
I found the handwritting rather familiar. Is it just chem? Or...

Yups! It's our dear shaboom's. Not paying attention yea, doodling in class. The remainding half of that face is with PJ cause it has the price of our notes written on the other side. Shaboom! Your trash was recycled by the monopoly-photocopying ladies :D :D

oh yar shaboom, where's your tagboard? :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008 Y 12:47 PM

All rights, gor gor flew over to Taiwan for his NS training, so i have the comp to myself for these few weekends. hahaha. Found a few pics, that kind of depicted a mild sort of bullying. Hum...xD

being squeezed.

Nontheless, I'm still equally happy ._.

I'm sure the next moment, gor gor is going to use that bolster to hit me.

Anyway, I'm being scammed. I shouldn't have bought what the lady who cut my hair said. I told her I want to trim my hair SHORT. She said I shouldn't, and said she had already trimmed it really short. Man, I'm scammed. scammed. Now my hair is LONG again. That's like less than how many weeks since I last went to cut...

The night before i cut my hair.

A few days after I cut my hair.

It's not much diff. I shall insist what i insist next time.

OH yar! I saw this girl at my bus stop in the morning and I was thinking what school is she in. Then suddenly. At the corner of my eye, I saw this really familiar thing. RV socks. The new RVIP uniform. Girls wear white top blue skirt. Guys white top white long pants. Hum..need to get use to the idea! But i'm not too sure whether year 5&6 students (as it is now called. Sounds a little foreign, haha :)) are still required to wear the trademarked, RV socks...the way that girl wore the new uni is also...ahem *SORRY!!!!!* It's really not exactly flattening. Maybe I should not comment before I see how the majority dress it. On the side note, I like the new rvco uniform :D Rather refreshing. No more one-piece dress. hahahha. Yea, there's a CO concert in August. =D

Monday, April 7, 2008 Y 9:30 PM

Went running with harmoc peeps today. =D Running is good, it promotes peristalsis ._.
Almost can't spell this word! Haha, but yar, i can't spill. Ah, i mean spell.

This is funny!! I stole it from eunice and took it home with me xD. GEE

Hum...what's in this paper bag?

=D Attack of the gummi bears. Gummi bears unite! THANKS!! *hearts*

Thursday, April 3, 2008 Y 10:20 PM

it just looks, beautiful

Numerology - Results

Your letters: e r c a i f a n g
Their values: 5 9 3 1 9 6 1 5 7

The total of all of the above numbers as calculated in your name is 46.
This number is too high and needs to be added. When adding these numbers together you get 10.
This number is too high and needs to be added. When adding these numbers together you get 1.

Your date of birth numbers are : 2611199

The total of all of these numbers is 29.
This number is too high and needs to be added. When adding these numbers together you get 11.

Your numbers for your name and date of birth do not align.

You are a 1 by name.
One is the Sun and all that is strong and leading. It is the first number used when counting and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Because one signifies the beginning of an enterprise, it is very egocentric and prefers to be the center of attention. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.

You are a 11 by date of birth.
Eleven is a higher octave of the number two and is considered to be a master number. It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

Some people have been known to change their name to align their numerology readings, perhaps you can shorten your name to achieve more balance.